Christmas was conflicting this year...

Ho, Ho, Ho
Ho, Ho, Ho 
Santa Claus is fake
I didn't really expect gifts this year
Because Jesus died for me! YAY

Gift-giving is so stressful especially when it's not spontaneous. I know we have all year to buy gifts for Christmas but last year I said wasn't taking any part in future holiday festivities. (Biblical reasons btw) I went to my family's home the week prior to December 25th and I see gifts for me under the tree! Specifically from my younger siblings. Immediately I felt guilty. I went straight home to tell my husband that we have to go shopping the next day. OMG! Stores were so full and there was literally no parking. UGH! Why do humans put themselves through that?

Luckily I spent less than $100 on gifts. I made most of my family members knitted hats according to their favorite colors. None of them believed that I made the hats, that's how impressed they were with my craftsmanship. Guess what I got? Makeup and clothes...

The best part of the holidays is spending time with my family, playing games and eating a lovely dinner. But why only do it on certain days around the year? Let's do it all the time! Nothing else matters, just family and spreading love. 2020 I will give gifts randomly throughout the year and host dinners more often so that when holidays come around they are just another day on the calendar. Not give them any importance especially because I don't want to be celebrating anything pagan.

